// ver 7.cpp: определяет точку входа для консольного приложения.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string.h>
#include "Student.h"
#include "Professor.h"
#include "University.h"
#include "Company.h"
#include "Employee.h"
#include "Person.h"
#include "Ministry.h"
#include "Project.h"
using namespace std;
#define _Line cout << "________________________________________________________________________________________________________" << "\n\n"
#define Tab_Line cout << "========================================================================================================" << "\n"
int main()
cout << " Version 7 by ????" << endl;
cout << "You can create Network and start modeling of system: Project(University(Professor, Student), Ministry, Company(Employee))\n";
cout << "Please, make your choice:\n 1. Start modeling\n 2.Exit\n\n";
int a;
cin >> a;
switch (a)
case 1:
cout << "\n\nCreating 'Project'\n\n";
Project pro1;//конструктор за замовчуванням
std::string n;
std::string d;
int t;
int numb;
cout << "PROJECT\nSet Name: ";
cin >> n; pro1.SetName(n);//встановити назву
cout << "Set Project's description: ";
cin >> d; pro1.SetDescription(d);
cout << "Set Project's term of execution(int): ";
cin >> t; pro1.SetTermOfExecution(t);
cout << "Set Project's number of worker(int): ";
cin >> numb; pro1.SetNumberOfWorker(numb);
cout << endl;
cout << "Project\nName: " << pro1.GetName() << "\nProduct's description:" << pro1.GetDescription() << "\nProduct's term of execution:" << pro1.GetTermOfExecution() << "\nProduct's number of worker:" << pro1.GetNumberOfWorker() << endl;
cout << endl;
case 2:
cout << "\nFinish modeling\n\n" << endl;
return 0;
* Module: Project.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Student.h"
#include "Professor.h"
#include "University.h"
#include "Company.h"
#include "Employee.h"
#include "Ministry.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
#define _Line cout << "________________________________________________________________________________________________________" << "\n"
#define Tab_Line cout << "========================================================================================================" << "\n"
//Project& Project::operator ++()//Перевантаження унарного оператора постфіксного інкременту
// term_of_execution += 1;
// return *this;
//Project Project::operator ++(int)//Перевантаження унарного оператора префіксного інкременту
// Project project = *this;
// ++*this;
// return project;
//Project Project::operator +(int i)//перевантаження бінарного оператора
// number_of_worker += i;
// return *this;
//Project Project::operator =(Project pro)//перевантження оператора присвоєння
// string name, phone;
// pro.getInfo(&description, &term_of_execution, &number_of_worker, &name);
// return Project(name, description, term_of_execution, number_of_worker);
//ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Project& pro)//Перевантажений оператор виводу
// std::string name, description;
// int term_of_execution, number_of_worker;
// Project project = pro;
// project.getInfo(&description, &term_of_execution, &number_of_worker, &name);
// os << name << " " << description << " " << term_of_execution << " " << number_of_worker << "\n";
// return os;
//istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Project& pro)//Перевантажений оператор вводу
// std::string name, description;
// int term_of_execution, number_of_worker;
// cout << "Enter name: ";
// is >> name;
// cout << "Enter description: ";
// is >> description;
// cout << "Enter term of execution(int): ";
// is >> term_of_execution;
// cout << "Enter number of worker(int): ";
// is >> number_of_worker;
// pro.setInfo(description, term_of_execution, number_of_worker, name);
// return is;
//void Project::getInfo(std::string* description, int* term_of_execution, int* number_of_worker, std::string* name)
// *name = this->name;
// *description = this->description;
// *term_of_execution = this->term_of_execution;
// *number_of_worker = this->number_of_worker;
//// *name = this->name;
//void Project::setInfo(std::string description, int term_of_execution, int number_of_worker, std::string name)
// this->name = name;
// this->description = description;
// this->term_of_execution = term_of_execution;
// this->number_of_worker = number_of_worker;
//// this->name = name;
void Project::SetName(std::string k)
name = k;
void Project::SetDescription(std::string l)
description = l;
void Project::SetTermOfExecution(int o)
term_of_execution = o;
void Project::SetNumberOfWorker(int t)
number_of_worker = t;
void Project::add_company(void)
std::string n;
std::string loc;
std::string type;
cout << "\nAdding company from file. Enter the name of file:\n";
char file[25];
cin >> file;
try {
if (!(fopen(file, "r"))) throw Error(1, file); // якщо файлу з таким ім*ям не існує
catch (Error e) // обробка виключної ситуації
ifstream f(file);
getline(f, n);
cout << "The name of COMPANY: ";
cout << n << endl;m_company.SetName(n);
getline(f, loc);
cout << "The location of COMPANY: ";
cout << loc << endl; m_company.SetLocation(loc);
getline(f, type);
cout << "The type of employment of COMPANY: ";
cout << type << endl;m_company.SetTypeOfEmployment(type);
/*cout << "Input name of company: ";
cin >> n;
cout << "Input number of employees of company(int): ";
cin >> numb; m_company.SetNumberOfEmployee(numb);
cout << "Input location of company: ";
cin >> loc;
cout << "Input type of employment of company: ";
cin >> type;
cout << endl;*/
cout << "Company created:" << endl;
cout << "Company\nName: " << m_company.GetName() << endl << "Location: " << m_company.GetLocation() << endl << "Type of employment: " << m_company.GetTypeOfEmployment() << endl;
cout << endl;
void Project::add_ministry(void)
cout << endl << "creating 'Ministry':\n" << endl;
std::string name;
int number_of_employee;
int budget;
cout << "Input name of ministry: ";
cin >> name; m_ministry.SetName(name);
cout << "Input number_of_employees of ministry(int): ";
cin >> number_of_employee; m_ministry.SetNumberOfEmployee(number_of_employee);
cout << "Input budget of ministry(int): ";
cin >> budget; m_ministry.SetBudget(budget);
cout << endl;
cout << "Ministry created:" << endl;
cout << "Ministry\nName: " << m_ministry.GetName() << endl << "Number of employees: " << m_ministry.GetNumberOfEmployee() << endl << "Budget: " << m_ministry.GetBudget() << endl;
cout << endl;
void Project::add_university(void)
cout << endl << "creating 'University':\n" << endl;
std::string name;
int number_of_students;
int number_of_teachers;
int number_of_faculties;
cout << "Input name of university: ";
cin >> name; m_university.SetName(name);
cout << "Input number of students of university(int): ";
cin >> number_of_students; m_university.SetNumberOfStudents(number_of_students);
cout << "Input number of teachers of university(int): ";
cin >> number_of_teachers; m_university.SetNumberOfTeachers(number_of_teachers);
cout << "Input number_of_faculties of university(int): ";
cin >> number_of_faculties; m_university.SetNumberOfFaculties(number_of_faculties);
cout << endl;
cout << "University created:" << endl;
cout << "University\nName: " << m_university.GetName() << endl << "Number of students: " << m_university.GetNumberOfStudents() << endl << "Number of teachers: " << m_university.GetNumberOfTeachers() << endl << "Number of faculties: " << m_university.GetNumberOfFaculties() << endl;
cout << endl;
void Project::start(void)
// TODO : implement
* Module: Project.h
#if !defined(__ClassDiagram_Project_h)
#define __ClassDiagram_Project_h
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Company.h"
#include "University.h"
#include "Ministry.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Company;
class University;
class Ministry;
class Project
Company m_company;
University m_university;
Ministry m_ministry;
std::string name;
std::string description;
int term_of_execution;
int number_of_worker;
Project() :m_company(), m_university(), m_ministry(), name(""), description(""), term_of_execution(1), number_of_worker(1){};// конструктор за замовченням
Project(string n, string d, int t, int numb) :m_company("", 1, "", ""), m_university("", 1, 1, 1), m_ministry("", 1, 1), name(n), description(d), term_of_execution(t), number_of_worker(numb){};// конструктор ініціалізації
~Project(){};// деструктор
// void getInfo(std::string* description, int* term_of_execution, int* number_of_worker, std::string* name);
// void setInfo(std::string description, int term_of_execution, int number_of_worker, std::string name);
void start(void);
void add_company(void);
void add_ministry(void);
void add_university(void);
void SetName(std::string );
void SetDescription(std::string );
void SetTermOfExecution(int );
void SetNumberOfWorker(int );
string Project::GetName() const
return this->name;
string Project::GetDescription() const
return this->description;
inline int Project::GetTermOfExecution()
return this->term_of_execution;
inline int Project::GetNumberOfWorker()
return this->number_of_worker;
//Project& Project::operator ++();///Перевантажений оператор постфіксного інкременту
//Project Project::operator ++(int);///Перевантажений оператор префіксного інкременту
//Project Project::operator +(int i);///Перевантажений оператор суми
//Project Project::operator =(Project pro);//перевантження оператора присвоєння
//friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Project& pro);//Перевантажений оператор виводу
//friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Project& pro);//Перевантажений оператор вводу
/*Company** company;
University** university;
Ministry* ministry;
* Module: Company.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Student.h"
#include "Professor.h"
#include "University.h"
#include "Company.h"
#include "Employee.h"
#include "Ministry.h"
#include "Project.h"
using namespace std;
#define _Line cout << "________________________________________________________________________________________________________" << "\n\n"
#define Tab_Line cout << "========================================================================================================" << "\n"
//Company& Company::operator ++()//Перевантаження унарного оператора постфіксного інкременту
// number_of_employees += 1;
// return *this;
//Company Company::operator ++(int)//Перевантаження унарного оператора префіксного інкременту
// Company company = *this;
// ++*this;
// return company;
//Company Company::operator +(int i)//перевантаження бінарного оператора
// number_of_employees += i;
// return *this;
//Company Company::operator =(Company comp)//перевантження оператора присвоєння
// string name, phone;
// comp.getInfo(&number_of_employees, &location, &type_of_employment, &name);
// return Company( name, number_of_employees, location, type_of_employment);
//ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Company& comp)//Перевантажений оператор виводу
// std::string name, location, type_of_employment;
// int number_of_employees;
// Company company = comp;
// company.getInfo(&number_of_employees, &location, &type_of_employment, &name);
// os << name << " " << number_of_employees << " " << location << " " << type_of_employment << "\n";
// return os;
//istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Company& comp)//Перевантажений оператор вводу
// std::string name, location, type_of_employment;
// int number_of_employees;
// cout << "Enter name: ";
// is >> name;
// cout << "Enter number of employees(int): ";
// is >> number_of_employees;
// cout << "Enter location: ";
// is >> location;
// cout << "Enter type of employment: ";
// is >> type_of_employment;
// comp.setInfo(number_of_employees, location, type_of_employment, name);
// return is;
//void Company::getInfo(int* number_of_employees, std::string* location, std::string* type_of_employment, std::string* name)
// *name = this->name;
// *number_of_employees = this->number_of_employees;
// *location = this->location;
// *type_of_employment = this->type_of_employment;
// *name = this->name;
//void Company::setInfo(int number_of_employees, std::string location, std::string type_of_employment, std::string name)
// this->name = name;
// this->number_of_employees = number_of_employees;
// this->location = location;
// this->type_of_employment = type_of_employment;
// this->name = name;
void Company::SetName(std::string k)
name = k;
void Company::SetNumberOfEmployee(int m)
number_of_employees = m;
void Company::SetLocation(std::string f)
location = f;
void Company::SetTypeOfEmployment(std::string e)
type_of_employment = e;
void Company::add_employee(void)
cout << endl << "creating 'Employee':\n" << endl;
std::string name;
int age;
std::string work;
int salary;
cout << "Input name of employee: ";
cin >> name; m_employee.Set_name(name);
cout << "Input age of employee(int): ";
cin >> age; m_employee.SetAge(age);
cout << "Input work of employee: ";
cin >> work; m_employee.SetWork(work);
cout << "Input salary of employee(int): ";
cin >> salary; m_employee.SetSalary(salary);
cout << endl;
cout << "Employee created:" << endl;
cout << "Employee\nName: " << m_employee.Get_name() << endl << "Age: " << m_employee.GetAge() << endl << "Work: " << m_employee.GetWork() << endl << "Salary: " << m_employee.GetSalary() << endl;
cout << endl;
void Company::create_your_own_divisions(void)
// TODO : implement
void Company::fund_university(void)
// TODO : implement
void Company::give_projects(void)
// TODO : implement
* Module: Company.h
#if !defined(__ClassDiagram_Company_h)
#define __ClassDiagram_Company_h
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Employee.h"
using namespace std;
class Employee;
class Company
Employee m_employee;
std::string name;
int number_of_employees;
std::string location;
std::string type_of_employment;
Company() : m_employee(), name(""), number_of_employees(1), location(""), type_of_employment(""){}; // конструктор за замовченням
Company(std::string n, int numb, std::string l, std::string t) :m_employee("dd", 1, "ff", 1), name(n), number_of_employees(numb), location(l), type_of_employment(t){};// конструктор ініціалізації
~Company() {}; // деструктор
//void getInfo(int* number_of_employees, std::string* location, std::string* type_of_employment, std::string* name);///<Гетер для атрибутів компанії
//void setInfo(int number_of_employees, std::string location, std::string type_of_employment, std::string name);//сетер для атрибутів компанії
void add_employee(void);
void create_your_own_divisions(void);
void fund_university(void);
void give_projects(void);
void SetName(std::string); // встановити ім'я
void SetNumberOfEmployee(int); // встановити кількість працівників
void SetTypeOfEmployment(std::string);
void SetLocation(std::string);
string Company::GetName() const
return this->name;
inline int Company::GetNumberOfEmployee()
return this->number_of_employees;
string Company::GetLocation() const
return this->location;
inline string Company::GetTypeOfEmployment()
return this->type_of_employment;
//Company& Company::operator ++();///Перевантажений оператор постфіксного інкременту
//Company Company::operator ++(int);///Перевантажений оператор префіксного інкременту
//Company Company::operator +(int i);///Перевантажений оператор суми
//Company Company::operator =(Company comp);//перевантження оператора присвоєння
//friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Company& comp);//Перевантажений оператор виводу
//friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Company& comp);//Перевантажений оператор вводу
// Employee** employee;
* Module: Employee.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Student.h"
#include "Professor.h"
#include "University.h"
#include "Company.h"
#include "Employee.h"
#include "Ministry.h"
#include "Project.h"
using namespace std;
//void Employee::SetName(std::string k)
// name = k;
void Employee::SetAge(int f)
age = f;
void Employee::SetWork(std::string e)
work = e;
void Employee::SetSalary(int p)
salary = p;
void Employee::give_project(void)
// TODO : implement
void Employee::provide_resources(void)
// TODO : implement
void Employee::keeps_track_implementation(void)
// TODO : implement
void Employee::takes_job(void)
// TODO : implement
* Module: Employee.h
#if !defined(__ClassDiagram_Employee_h)
#define __ClassDiagram_Employee_h
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
class Employee: public Person
// std::string name;
int age;
std::string work;
int salary;
Employee() :Person(), age(1), work(""), salary(1){}; // конструктор за замовченням
Employee(std::string n, int a, std::string w, int s) :Person(n), age(a), work(w), salary(s){}; // конструктор ініціалізації
~Employee(){}; // деструктор
void give_project(void);
void provide_resources(void);
void keeps_track_implementation(void);
void takes_job(void);
void SetName(std::string);
void SetAge(int);
void SetWork(std::string);
void SetSalary(int);
/*string Employee::GetName() const
return this->name;
int Employee::GetAge() const
return this->age;
inline string Employee::GetWork()
return this->work;
inline int Employee::GetSalary()
return this->salary;
* Module: Ministry.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Student.h"
#include "Professor.h"
#include "University.h"
#include "Company.h"
#include "Employee.h"
#include "Ministry.h"
#include "Project.h"
using namespace std;
//ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Ministry& minis)//Перевантажений оператор виводу
// std::string name;
// int number_of_employee, budget;
// Ministry ministry = minis;
// ministry.getInfo(&number_of_employee, &budget, &name);
// os << name << " " << number_of_employee << " " << budget << "\n";
// return os;
//istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Ministry& minis)//Перевантажений оператор вводу
// std::string name;
// int number_of_employee, budget;
// cout << "Enter name: ";
// is >> name;
// cout << "Enter number of employees(int): ";
// is >> number_of_employee;
// cout << "Enter budget(int): ";
// is >> budget;
// minis.setInfo(number_of_employee, budget, name);
// return is;
//void Ministry::getInfo(int* number_of_employee, int* budget, std::string* name)
// *name = this->name;
// *number_of_employee = this->number_of_employee;
// *budget = this->budget;
// *name = this->name;
//void Ministry::setInfo(int number_of_employee, int budget, std::string name)
// this->name = name;
// this->number_of_employee = number_of_employee;
// this->budget = budget;
// this->name = name;
void Ministry::SetName(std::string k)
name = k;
void Ministry::SetNumberOfEmployee(int m)
number_of_employee = m;
void Ministry::SetBudget(int l)
budget = l;
void Ministry::set_framework_for_university(void)
// TODO : implement
void Ministry::provide_staff(void)
// TODO : implement
void Ministry::provide_necessary_resources(void)
// TODO : implement
* Module: Ministry.h
#if !defined(__ClassDiagram_Ministry_h)
#define __ClassDiagram_Ministry_h
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std;
class Ministry
int number_of_employee;
int budget;
std::string name;
Ministry() :name(""), budget(1), number_of_employee(1){};// конструктор за замовченням
Ministry(string n, int b, int numb): name(n), budget(b), number_of_employee(numb){}; // конструктор ініціалізації
~Ministry(){}; // деструктор
//void getInfo(int* number_of_employee, int* budget, std::string* name);
//void setInfo(int number_of_employee, int budget, std::string name);
void set_framework_for_university(void);
void provide_staff(void);
void provide_necessary_resources(void);
void SetName(std::string); // встановити ім'я
void SetNumberOfEmployee(int); // встановити кількість працівників
void SetBudget(int); // встановити бюджет
string Ministry::GetName() const
return this->name;
inline int Ministry::GetNumberOfEmployee()
return this->number_of_employee;
inline int Ministry::GetBudget()
return this->budget;
// friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Ministry& minis);//Перевантажений оператор виводу
// friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, Ministry& minis);//Перевантажений оператор вводу
* Module: Professor.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Student.h"
#include "Professor.h"
#include "University.h"
#include "Company.h"
#include "Employee.h"
#include "Ministry.h"
#include "Project.h"
using namespace std;
//void Professor::SetName(std::string k)
// name = k;
void Professor::SetAge(int l)
age = l;
void Professor::SetWork(std::string p)
work = p;
void Professor::SetExperience(int y)
experience = y;
void Professor::SetFaculty(std::string o)
faculty = o;
void Professor::teach_student(void)
// TODO : implement
void Professor::work_on_the_project(void)
// TODO : implement
void Professor::conduct_research(void)
// TODO : implement
* Module: Professor.h
#if !defined(__ClassDiagram_Professor_h)
#define __ClassDiagram_Professor_h
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Professor.h"
#include "Person.h"
using namespace std;
class Professor:public Person
//std::string name;
int age;
std::string work;
int experience;
std::string faculty;
Professor() :Person(), age(1), work(""), experience(1), faculty(""){};// конструктор за замовченням
Professor(string n, int a, string w, int e, string f) :Person(n), age(a), work(w), experience(e), faculty(f){};// конструктор ініціалізації
~Professor(){}; // деструктор
void teach_student(void);
void work_on_the_project(void);
void conduct_research(void);
// void SetName(std::string);
void SetAge(int);
void SetWork(std::string);
void SetExperience(int);
void SetFaculty(std::string);
/*string Professor::GetName() const
return this->name;
int Professor::GetAge() const
return this->age;
inline string Professor::GetWork()
return this->work;
int Professor::GetExperience() const
return this->experience;
inline string Professor::GetFaculty()
return this->faculty;
* Module: Student.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Student.h"
#include "Professor.h"
#include "University.h"
#include "Company.h"
#include "Employee.h"
#include "Ministry.h"
#include "Project.h"
using namespace std;
//void Student::SetName(std::string k)
// name = k;
void Student::SetAge(int l)
age = l;
void Student::SetGroup(std::string o)
group = o;
void Student::SetCourse(int l)
course = l;
void Student::SetFaculty(std::string o)
faculty = o;
void Student::study_at_univer(void)
// TODO : implement
void Student::working_on_a_project(void)
// TODO : implement
void Student::conducts_research(void)
// TODO : implement
* Module: Student.h
#if !defined(__ClassDiagram_Student_h)
#define __ClassDiagram_Student_h
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Person.h"
using namespace std;
class Student:public Person
// std::string name;
int age;
std::string faculty;
int course;
std::string group;
Student() :Person(), age(1), faculty(""), course(1), group(""){};// конструктор за замовченням
Student(string n, int a, string f, int c, string g) :Person(n), age(a), faculty(f), course(c), group(g){};// конструктор ініціалізації
~Student(){};// деструктор
void study_at_univer(void);
void working_on_a_project(void);
void conducts_research(void);
//void SetName(std::string);
void SetAge(int);
void SetGroup(std::string);
void SetCourse(int);
void SetFaculty(std::string);
/* string Student::GetName() const
return this->name;
int Student::GetAge() const
return this->age;
inline string Student::GetGroup()
return this->group;
inline int Student::GetCourse()
return this->course;
inline string Student::GetFaculty()
return this->faculty;
* Module: University.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Student.h"
#include "Professor.h"
#include "University.h"
#include "Company.h"
#include "Employee.h"
#include "Ministry.h"
#include "Project.h"
#include "Error.h"
using namespace std;
#define _Line cout << "________________________________________________________________________________________________________" << "\n\n"
#define Tab_Line cout << "========================================================================================================" << "\n"
//University& University::operator ++()//Перевантаження унарного оператора постфіксного інкременту
// number_of_students += 1;
// return *this;
//University University::operator ++(int)//Перевантаження унарного оператора префіксного інкременту
// University university = *this;
// ++*this;
// return university;
//University University::operator +(int i)//перевантаження бінарного оператора
// number_of_teachers += i;
// return *this;
//University University::operator =(University univ)//перевантження оператора присвоєння
// string name, phone;
// univ.getInfo(&number_of_students, &number_of_teachers, &number_of_faculties, &name);
// return University(name, number_of_students, number_of_teachers, number_of_faculties);
//ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const University& univ)//Перевантажений оператор виводу
// std::string name;
// int number_of_students, number_of_teachers, number_of_faculties;
// University university = univ;
// university.getInfo(&number_of_students, &number_of_students, &number_of_faculties, &name);
// os << name << " " << number_of_students << " " << number_of_students << " " << number_of_faculties << "\n";
// return os;
//istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, University& univ)//Перевантажений оператор вводу
// std::string name;
// int number_of_students, number_of_teachers, number_of_faculties;
// cout << "Enter name: ";
// is >> name;
// cout << "Enter number of students(int): ";
// is >> number_of_students;
// cout << "Enter number of teachers(int): ";
// is >> number_of_teachers;
// cout << "Enter number of faculties(int): ";
// is >> number_of_faculties;
// univ.setInfo(number_of_students, number_of_teachers, number_of_faculties, name);
// return is;
//void University::getInfo(int* number_of_students, int* number_of_teachers, int* number_of_faculties, std::string* name)
// *name = this->name;
// *number_of_students = this->number_of_students;
// *number_of_teachers = this->number_of_teachers;
// *number_of_faculties = this->number_of_faculties;
// *name = this->name;
//void University::setInfo(int number_of_students, int number_of_teachers, int number_of_faculties, std::string name)
// this->name = name;
// this->number_of_students = number_of_students;
// this->number_of_teachers = number_of_teachers;
// this->number_of_faculties = number_of_faculties;
// this->name = name;
void University::SetName(std::string k)
name = k;
void University::SetNumberOfStudents(int l)
number_of_students = l;
void University::SetNumberOfTeachers(int m)
number_of_teachers = m;
void University::SetNumberOfFaculties(int p)
number_of_faculties = p;
void University::add_student(void)
cout << endl << "creating 'Student':\n" << endl;
std::string name;
int age;
std::string faculty;
int course;
std::string group;
cout << "Input name of student: ";
cin >> name; m_student.Set_name(name);
cout << "Input age of student(int): ";
cin >> age; m_student.SetAge(age);
if (age > 25) throw Error(1);
catch (Error e)
cout << "Input faculty of student: ";
cin >> faculty; m_student.SetFaculty(faculty);
cout << "Input course of student(int): ";
cin >> course; m_student.SetCourse(course);
cout << "Input group of student: ";
cin >> group; m_student.SetGroup(group);
cout << endl;
cout << "Student created:" << endl;
cout << "Student\nName: " << m_student.Get_name() << "\nStudent's age:" << m_student.GetAge() << "\nStudent's faculty:" << m_student.GetFaculty() << "\nStudent's course:" << m_student.GetCourse() << "\nStudent's group:" << m_student.GetGroup() << endl;
cout << endl;
void University::add_professor(void)
cout << endl << "creating 'Professor':\n" << endl;
std::string name;
int age;
std::string work;
int experience;
std::string faculty;
cout << "Input name of professor: ";
cin >> name; m_professor.Set_name(name);
cout << "Input age of professor(int): ";
cin >> age; m_professor.SetAge(age);
cout << "Input work of professor: ";
cin >> work; m_professor.SetWork(work);
cout << "Input experience of professor(int): ";
cin >> experience; m_professor.SetExperience(experience);
cout << "Input faculty of professor: ";
cin >> faculty; m_professor.SetFaculty(faculty);
cout << endl;
cout << "Professor created:" << endl;
cout << "Professor\nName: " << m_professor.Get_name() << endl << "Age: " << m_professor.GetAge() << endl << "Work: " << m_professor.GetWork() << endl << "Experience: " << m_professor.GetExperience() << endl << "Faculty: " << m_professor.GetFaculty() << endl;
cout << endl;
void University::implement_projects(void)
// TODO : implement
void University::create_special_departments(void)
// TODO : implement
void University::create_conditions_for_project_implementation(void)
// TODO : implement
void University::generate_new_technology(void)
// TODO : implement
* Module: University.h
#if !defined(__ClassDiagram_University_h)
#define __ClassDiagram_University_h
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Student.h"
#include "Professor.h"
using namespace std;
class Student;
class Professor;
class University
Student m_student;
Professor m_professor;
std::string name;
int number_of_students;
int number_of_teachers;
int number_of_faculties;
University() :m_student(), m_professor(), name(""), number_of_students(1), number_of_teachers(1), number_of_faculties(1){};// конструктор за замовченням
University(string n, int ns, int nt, int nf) :m_student("ss", 1, "", 1, ""), m_professor("ss", 1, "", 1, ""), name(n), number_of_students(ns), number_of_teachers(nt), number_of_faculties(nf){};// конструктор ініціалізації
~University(){}; // деструктор
//void getInfo(int* number_of_students, int* number_of_teachers, int* number_of_faculties, std::string* name);///<Гетер для атрибутів компанії
//void setInfo(int number_of_students, int number_of_teachers, int number_of_faculties, std::string name);//сетер для атрибутів компанії
void implement_projects(void);
void add_student(void);
void add_professor(void);
void create_special_departments(void);
void create_conditions_for_project_implementation(void);
void generate_new_technology(void);
void SetName(std::string );
void SetNumberOfStudents(int );
void SetNumberOfTeachers(int );
void SetNumberOfFaculties(int );
string University::GetName() const
return this->name;
int University::GetNumberOfStudents() const
return this->number_of_students;
int University::GetNumberOfTeachers() const
return this->number_of_teachers;
inline int University::GetNumberOfFaculties()
return this->number_of_faculties;
// University& University::operator ++();///Перевантажений оператор постфіксного інкременту
// University University::operator ++(int);///Перевантажений оператор префіксного інкременту
// University University::operator +(int i);///Перевантажений оператор суми
// University University::operator =(University univ);//перевантження оператора присвоєння
// friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const University& univ);//Перевантажений оператор виводу
// friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& is, University& univ);//Перевантажений оператор вводу
/* Student** student;
Professor** professor;